Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 5 & 6: Debates and Different Views.

I really resented the remark that I could not argue feminism because I was a man, but I do understand why it was said at the very least. Amin was a man, and he argued for women's rights far better than I could through his own means. I will try and endeavor because I believe in equal rights for all genders through work, social and cultural roles and understanding.

That being said, the women presented in these new books fought in different ways, but the Princess, while trying her best, seemed physically vain and looking for an outlet to focus herself on in the outside. The woman was very feminately-oriented, mostl focused within her clothing and personal appearance. Although it really cannot be held against her, fighting for women's rights could have been a way for her to express herself outside of the political world that was royality, Saddrathi not having that restriction.